Video: Twice kidnapped, repeatedly gang-raped, and forced to eat human flesh by two different militant groups


Video: Twice kidnapped, repeatedly gang-raped, and forced to eat human flesh by two different militant groups

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Video: Twice kidnapped, twice repeatedly gang-raped, and twice forced to eat human flesh by two different militant groups

Kidnapped woman forced to eat human flesh after being kidnapped, repeatedly raped by two different militia groups all twice

Watch the Youtube video: SOFEPADI defending women’s rights in Congo

In sad and unfortunate strange news, we tell the story of a kidnapped woman who was repeatedly gang-raped, forced to eat human flesh, and released by a militia group; then, another militia group seized her again repeatedly and again forced her to eat human flesh.

In the bizarre news report with the caption: ‘’ Kidnapped woman forced to eat human flesh after being repeatedly raped by two different militia groups’’, according to Mirror UK news, a woman was released after a few days but then while she tried to return home was kidnapped again by another militia group whose members also repeatedly raped her in the conflict-torn east of Congo.

Human rights abuses amidst war in Congo: Women who were sexually assaulted in Ituri Congo Photo credit:

The report made to the United Nations Security Council stated that the Congolese woman, who was kidnapped by militants, got tied up, beaten, stripped, and forced to eat the human flesh of a victim they slaughtered by the two groups.

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Julienne Lusenge, President of the women’s rights group Solidarité Féminine Pour La Paix et le Développement Intégral (SOFEPADI), told the 15-member UN Security Council when speaking about the conflict-torn east of Congo said the Cooperative first kidnaped the victim for Development of the Congo (CODECO) militants in an attempt to pay a ransom for a kidnapped family member.

There were reports Congo militia group had been indulged in kidnapping, raping of women, and killings since the war started in Congo. Photo credit:

SOFEPADI is a women-led organization based in the Ituri Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo that was established in 2000, SOFEPADI’s mission is to promote and defend the rights of women and girls in order to ensure that mothers and children have access to their fundamental rights. Their three main domains of intervention are human rights, peace and conflict transformation, and good governance.

The woman was released after a few days but then while she tried to return home was kidnapped again by another militia group whose members also repeatedly raped her and was again asked to cook and eat human flesh, according to Julienne Lusenge’s report.

This blog content ‘’ Video: Twice kidnapped, repeatedly gang-raped, and forced to eat human flesh by two different militant groups ” Top Trending Weird News and Strange Stories in Campaign against sexual assault against women and defending the human rights of women

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