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Young children cannot direct their thought properly to what is right and wrong for good decision-making. Rules are therefore important to guide them in the right direction. The 3 most important rules for toddlers, preschool, & nursery kids are safety, harmless & attitude and behaviour rules.
Safety rules is the most important rule for young children in primary, nursery school and preschool age as well as for toddlers and babies. Parents and guidance should keep children safe and away from harm as a way of making they learn how to keep to safety rules. Examples of safety rules are ‘’Don’t touch’’ for sharp objects like scissors, knives or hot objects; ‘’Don’t go there’’ for unsafe places, ‘’Don’t put it in your mouth for toys. Babies and toddlers are used to putting their toys they play with in their mouth.
However, parenting toddlers and kids would be much easier if the parents and guidance keep harmful objects away from their reach and deny them access to unsafe places than keeping safety rules for handling such objects or going to such unsafe places like laundry room.
Most babies, toddlers, nursery & kindergarten children are in the habit of beating their parents and guidance, siblings at home and even mates, caregivers and teachers at school. Additionally, they can hit people with any handy objects. They often tend to grab objects and hit them randomly anyway on sight.
Parents and guidance and teachers can teach them to learn and obey the rule about not harming people or destroying properties, such as, ‘’No beating’’, No toys breaking ’’, ‘’No hitting’’.
Parenting babies, toddlers, nursery & kindergarten children at home would be easy if you can limit their access to grabbing harmful objects. It won’t be ideal to keep them away from their toys because you fear they might hit someone with it. So, the use of rules is the better parenting style in this case.
Calm and polite attitude and behaviours like ‘No disruptions’’, ‘’No temper tantrums’’, No whining’’ is another important rule can help the child model positive attitude and behaviours soon enough.
Of course rules for young children should be simple and direct to make it easy for them to follow.